30+ Years of Experience in Power Factor Correction
For over 30 years, Kansas Power Services Company (KPSCO) has been helping facilities save money on their electricity bills by improving their power factor.

Power Factor Evaluations
Is power factor costing you money on your electricity bill? We offer free evaluations to determine how much your power factor is costing you each month on your bill and then provide a cost estimate to correct the issue. During the evaluation phase, we will let you know if the project makes financial sense and has a payback/ROI worth pursuing.

Electricity Bill Audits
We are electricity bills experts and can advise on billing rates, riders, taxes, and fees. We understand the most complex rate tariffs and can make recommendations on how to make simple billing changes to help your company save money on your electricity bill.
Turnkey Power Factor Correction Projects
Once a savings opportunity has been identified, we handle the turnkey design and installation of the power factor correction system. Each solution is specifically tailored to fix your power factor issue in the most cost-effective way possible. We provide 3-5 year warranties on our work to ensure that you continue receive savings after the project is installed.

Power factor (PF) is an expression of energy efficiency and is the ratio of true power (KW) used in a circuit to the apparent power (KVA) delivered to the circuit. Power factor is usually expressed as a percentage – and the lower the percentage the less efficient power usage is.
It is common for utility companies to apply surcharges and penalties to customers that do not meet a certain power factor. Below are some signs that your power factor is increasing your electricity bill:
Billed Demand in KVA instead of KW
KVAR charges (reactive demand)
KW demand being adjusted upward
If your power factor is increasing your electricity bill, Kansas Power Company will design a turnkey solution to remove the penalty so you can start saving money on your electricity bills.
Founded in 1990, Kansas Power Services Company (KPSCO) is the leading independent power factor correction company in the country. From small businesses to Fortune 100 customers, we have experience helping facilities of all types in every region of the country with their power factor. We provide turnkey solutions to help facilities improve their power factor and save money on their electricity bills. Our solutions are designed with payback and longevity in mind. Our main goal is to offer the most cost-effective and reliable approach to power factor correction so that your facility will continue to experience savings many years into the future. We are in the business of selling energy savings, not equipment.

Year Established
Projects Completed
$10 M+
Amount Saved our Clients

Commercial Real Estate
Schools & Universities

Want a Free Evaluation?
If you are interested in seeing how much you could save on your electricity bills, give us a call at 913-201-2424, email us at ray@kpsco.org, or fill out our contact form. Make sure to have a recent utility bill ready for us to review.